
The City of Winter Garden is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan to guide the city's growth and development through 2050. This long-range document outlines the goals, objectives, and policies that shape Winter Garden's future, addressing key areas such as land use, transportation, housing, infrastructure, conservation, parks and recreation, and more. We invite residents, businesses, and stakeholders to share their input and help us create a unified vision for Winter Garden’s future as we update this important plan.

Your participation will help ensure that our community's needs and aspirations are reflected in the plan.



Have a question about the Winter Garden Comprehensive Plan?

Review our frequently asked questions tool below.

Simply put, a comprehensive plan is a state-mandated master plan intended to implement a long-term vision for the future of a community. This vision is community-driven and implemented within the Comprehensive Plan via Goals, Objectives, and Policies. The Comprehensive Plan also serves to:

  • Coordinate local decision making
  • Provide guidance to landowners and developers
  • Ensure the protection of natural resources
  • And much more!

There are numerous reasons why the City of Winter Garden desires to update its Comprehensive Plan. Some of the most prominent reasons include:

  • Allowing the community to re-evaluate and revise its vision for future growth
  • Empowering the jurisdiction to plan, rather than react, to new development
  • Providing an opportunity for the community to reexamine its current decision-making practices
  • Analyzing and updating acceptable standards for public facilities and services
  • Identifying and addressing existing and projected opportunities facing the community
  • Maintaining consistency with recent changes to Florida Law

The Comprehensive Plan is broken down into chapters (referred to as 'Elements'), each covering a different topic. The Elements included within the current Winter Garden Comprehensive Plan are:

    1. Future Land Use

    2. Multimodal Transportation

    3. Housing

    4. Public Facilities

    5. Conservation

    6. Recreation & Open Space

    7. Intergovernmental Coordination

    8. Capital Improvement

    9. Public Schools Facilities

    10. Property Rights (new)

There are several ways to provide your input on the Comprehensive Plan. One method is to take part in one of the many engagement activities included on this website, including the Project Survey, and by reaching out to the City directly using the contact information provided on this page. We also encourage you to attend each of the upcoming Public Workshops for the Comprehensive Plan Update starting in the spring of 2025. More details to be announced soon!

The Comprehensive Plan is anticipated to be adopted by the City of Winter Carden City Commission in April of 2026.

Document Library:

The City will share project files here throughout the Comp Plan Update, such as tech memos and workshop summaries. Check back often.