
The City of Pensacola is launching a two-year initiative to update its Land Development Code (LDC Phase 2), building on the findings from the LDC Assessment Recommendations Report (Phase 1). The LDC sets the standards for land use and development in the City, covering a wide range of topics such as zoning, building regulations, parking, signage, and more. The goals of this update are to reorganize sections of the Code to resolve duplications and conflicts, clarify and consolidate language, streamline development processes, update outdated regulations, and enhance the overall efficiency of the LDC. Over the years, the LDC has been amended multiple times, but a thorough update has not occurred in many years. We invite you to stay informed and involved as this important process unfolds!

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28 January, 2025

bmr says:

Most of the multistory historic homes are well over the 35' building height max. The LDC needs to take this in account for new construction

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Have a question about the City of Pensacola Land Development Code (LDC)? Review our frequently asked questions tool below.

An LDC is a set of regulations that governs how land can be used and developed within a specific jurisdiction, such as a city or county.

There are several key reasons for updating the Land Development Code (LDC):

  • Eliminating Duplications and Conflicts: Reorganizing sections of the Code to create a more cohesive and user-friendly document.
  • Clarifying and Consolidating Language: Ensuring clear, consistent standards that streamline the development and redevelopment review processes.
  • Modernizing Outdated Regulations: Aligning the Code with current practices, industry standards, and community needs.
  • Enhancing Efficiency: Improving the overall functionality and usability of the LDC for both staff and the public.
  • Comprehensive Overhaul: This update marks the first comprehensive revision of the LDC since its original adoption in 1947.
  • Addressing Neighborhood-Specific Issues: Incorporating public input and applying best management practices to better reflect local priorities and promote sustainable growth.

The LDC provides detailed standards on various aspects of land use, such as zoning, building standards, parking, signs, landscaping, subdivisions, stormwater management, floodplain management, airport, and more.

You can get involved by participating in several engagement activities available on this website, such as the project survey and interactive map, and attending the upcoming community workshops starting in the spring of 2025. Alternatively, you may also contact the City directly using the details provided on this page.