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Indian River County Urban Service Boundary: Context

Share your vision

Public engagement is a crucial part for this project. We want to hear from you and others in the County. Please check back for dates and details of upcoming workshops where you can meet project staff, learn more about the planning process, and give feedback on the vision for the future Urban Service Boundary.

  • Workshop 1

    DATE: MAY 8, 2024

    TIME: 11:30 AM, second meeting at 6:30 PM

    LOCATION: North County Library, 1001 Sebastian Blvd, Sebastian, FL 32958

  • Workshop 2

    DATE: MAY 22, 2024

    TIME: 11:30 AM, second meeting at 6:30 PM

    LOCATION: Intergenerational Recreation Center, 1590 9th St SW, Vero Beach, FL 32962

  • Workshop 3

    DATE: MAY 29, 2024

    TIME: 11:30 AM, second meeting at 6:30 PM

    LOCATION: Board of County Commission Chambers, 1801 27th St, Vero Beach, FL 32960

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply put, an urban service area establishes where urban facilities such as water and sewer lines are constructed, where urban services are provided, and where urban development is encouraged.

The current boundary is located almost entirely east of Interstate 95, with the exception of an area along the State Road 60 corridor and property within the City of Fellsmere.

The link below provides a map showing the existing location of the Urban Service Area

USB along 58th Avenue between Oslo Road and 4th Street

USB along 26th Street at 82nd Avenue

USB along 66th Avenue between 33rd Street and

The Urban Service Area was created in 1990 and has remained essentially unchanged since its adoption.

The County is currently undergoing an evaluation of their Comprehensive Plan. As part of that evaluation, the County is reviewing population projections through the year 2050 to determine if there is sufficient land available to accommodate projected growth. Indian River County is anticipated to grow from 167,781 residents in 2023 to 210,100 residents in 2050. The County is in the process of evaluating the capacity of the current Urban Service Area to accommodate the increase in growth through 2050.

There are several ways to provide your input on the Urban Service Area and Boundary. One method is to participate in one of the engagement activities included on the website such as the online survey. You can also plan on attending one of the workshops in May, where the Project Team will host engagement activities designed to get your feedback on the Urban Service Area and Boundary.

The project timeline is anticipated to take approximately 9 months. The final recommendation presentation has been scheduled for October 30, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. For more details, please see the project timeline included on this page.